Saturday, April 7, 2012

DIY- Ombré jeans top

Ombré hair, nails. And now it's there to for your wardrobe. Below how to DIY the ombré jeans top.

- Decoulourising
- Big, clean pan
- Large spoon
- Pincers or gloves
- Bleach 
- Jeans top

1. Heat enough water in the big, clean pan. Sprinkle the decoulourising in it and let it dissolve. 

2. Make the jeans top absolutely wet. Dip it for 75% in the pan with decoulourising for about 5 minutes.

3. Now dip the jeans top for 50% in the pan with decolourising for about 5 minutes. Stir well!

4. Take the jeans top out of the water and rinse well. 

5. Dip the upper side of the jeans top in a stratum of bleach for about 5 minutes. After that put the jeans tup in the washing-machine and voilá your ombré jeans top is ready to wear!

Good luck with it and please mail me your result! :)

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